Distracting makes you spend alot of hours doing unecessary things. This morning I planed to go to Borma Dakota, doing site visit for a client. But then Sam has an internal meeting have to start cos his partners is already arrived. So I have to think how to get information I need without going there, and fortunately this morning 'alam semesta' mendukung..hahahaa... I only call one number, talking to two people, and I got what I need.
And then I go to the living room to making photos of my notebook and cards stuff. After three shots, rarrrgh.. battery is emptyyyy! And it's already 3 hours, the charger haven't stopped yet. And I'm ended up sitting in front of the computer, browsing things that really interesting at first, but then makin' me realize that haven't done any of my task that I have to today(except calling people at Borma :p).
*siiighhh* But then I read an article suggest by my sister, a very interesting and a great one: http://angelinaveni.com/2010/12/12/merefleksikan-pendidikan/
Angelina told us her perspective about education in Indonesia compared with US standard, after taking one semester at Stanford University. It's about consciousness in diversity,individuality and personality, enterpreneurship and critical thinking.
By the way my friend has an interesting opinion about getting children into a school that has new and progressive way of teaching in here, Indonesia. She says: "Make sure that the school has a wide level, from elementary to senior high. It would be a pitty for the child if he have to stop in some level and then going to an 'ordinary' school. If his surroundings do not understand him, he might ended become confused".
Blah. let's have the education start at home.