I've just watch "Balloons Over Broadway", a book by Melissa Sweet. I'm impressed by Tony Sarg, the man who run the show. He makes marrionette, design a puppet show for Macy's window on Thanksgiving Day, and he design a parade for Macy's yearly carnival.
But I'm even more impressed by Melissa Sweet who make Tony's story into children's storybook. In a veeery very good way. Melissa know the importance of bringing those ideas, creativity, and magical things of what Tony do, to children .
One of the book's page. Showing how Tony make a mechanic system composing his show, and even sweing costume for the puppet. I really love the way Melissa compose this page, as if this is Tony's diary himself.
Another page of the book
Link on Macys parade:
Link on Melissa's book:
Link on Tony's marionette:
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